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How to receive?
The order is sent/delivers inside of the stated period stipulated for the service of delivery chosen in the act of the confirmation of the order. The delivery services  inform the stated period stipulated for the delivery of the requested product with regard to the region where this will be deliver.

Politics of Exchange and Returns
In respect to the code of the consumer for sells on line and telemarketing, our store will change any product that does not have it in accordance with your expectations or presents defect in the stated period of until useful 7days.
It refuses the delivery of merchandises in case that the packing is damaged or violated, therefore we will provide a new remittance.

In your first purchase with us the delivery of the products will be confirmed by the receipt of delivery signed for the proper purchaser/addressee not being accepted the act of receiving for third.

From the second purchase customer will be able to choose a legal representative sending email with full name, ID that will be able to receive the merchandise in the address of the delivery.

To return merchandises, always uses the original packing, including all the products and accessories that will go to return. Please not to forget mainly the bill of sale.

We can refuse the devolution case the merchandise it has use vestiges or it has been damaged.
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